A nursery is available for children through age 3 for both Sunday School at 9:30 and our Worship Service at 10:25. Our caring nursery staff can provide a pager for you to carry with you in case they need to contact you about your child. Trinity follows the United Methodist Safe Sanctuary policies.
Children, youth, and adults meet every Sunday morning at 9:30 for a variety of Christian Education opportunities. Trinity’s Sunday School program has been in place since the first members began meeting, and it continues to be a place for people to gather to fellowship and study Scripture.
4K-1st Grade
2nd-3rd Grades
4th-5th Grades
Youth (6th-12th grades)
A selection of adult classes is available in a variety of formats and with different Bible Study topics.
Tuesday Night Bible Study — 7:00 PM
Wednesday Night Bible Study — 6:30 PM, after 6:00 Fellowship Supper
Please join us for these special learning opportunities!
Contact the church office or speak to one of our pastors for more information about any of these programs.